Monday, December 29, 2008
Merry Christmas!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We sure did. Our kids were spoiled (not sure if I'll do that again!) Talon was so spoiled with toys, mostly cars, that when he received a dinosaurs book for a present ( a really really cute dinosaurs book might I add) he threw it on the ground and said, "Mom where car toys?!" and went to grab for another present. We told him to be happy with his book and he didn't need anymore toys if he was going to act like that. So we made him play with his book and the next thing we hear is his cousin screaming at the top of her lungs, we rush to see what was going on... and that spoiled little boy of mine had decided to turn his book into a real live dinosaur! He had it opened to a page that displayed a huge dinosaur and was chasing his cousin around yelling ROAR!!!!!
Kiley enjoyed the wrapping paper the best and preferred her big brothers toys over her own! Chan had the whole week off but I don't feel he really felt like he got a break because of all the visiting we had to do.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
How Fast They Grow!
I can't believe how fast my two little ones are growing up. They sure are fun though, Kiley can say Mama now, and she is crawling really really fast and will get into everything that she is not supposed too. She can also pull herself up now. She is so much fun!! Talon is such a really cute big bother he is so protective of her it is so cute!! When she cries he will run to her aid and do whatever he can to make her happy. And if he can't help her he will bug me until I stop what I am doing and take care of his little sister. Just last night, they started to really interact with one another while playing. Talon got on all fours and was chasing Kiley and she would just take off and laugh her head off. When Talon got up to her, he would then take off and Kiley would chase him. It was so fun to watch and need to see them interact with one another.
Kiley started to say baba, and I am pretty sure it is baba as in brother cause she'll say it when she wants his attention. Today while she was crawling up the stairs after Talon she was yelling baba. So I told Talon, "Talon, she is calling for her bother." So Talon said, "oh cute, Kiley cute" So big boyish. He is FINALLY starting to talk really well.
Kiley started to say baba, and I am pretty sure it is baba as in brother cause she'll say it when she wants his attention. Today while she was crawling up the stairs after Talon she was yelling baba. So I told Talon, "Talon, she is calling for her bother." So Talon said, "oh cute, Kiley cute" So big boyish. He is FINALLY starting to talk really well.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
To Anyone who Cares
Summer I has been really crazy around here! Sorry it has been so long since I posted, I am going to try to get better. So keep checking my blog every now and again, and if you are lucky it might be updated!! :)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Talon and Kiley

Talon is now two years old. His favorite thing in the whole world is guitar hero. He calls it rock, he'll wake up every morning and ask, "Mommy rock?" and before I can even say anything he follows with a yeah, like yeah I can come on mom. He loves his baby sister. If she is crying and he feels that I am not doing anything about it, he will say mommy, mom five billion times until finally he'll say, "mommy, Kiley sad!" She is the first thing he asks for when he wakes up as well, Mommy, Kiley? as he shrugs his shoulders like he doesn't know where she is.
Kiley is 5 months old and can already roll to where she wants to go. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. It makes me really sad. I remember always feeling with Talon that I couldn't wait until he started doing this or until he was older, but with Kiley I just want her to slow down and be a baby baby for a while. She is a ton of fun already!
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